Hi Irene & Evelyn,
Good evening!
I believe this is the first session at Ecogarden today & we have received positive comments from Science Centre!
Here is a commentary from Petrina and she has personally requested me to pass this compliments to you.
“We had a group of teachers, both local and overseas, over at the Science Centre for a workshop. During the tour of the Centre, they met our senior guides from RSVP at the entrance of the Ecogarden who were conducting the herbal tea sampling and culinary plants Ecogarden tour session. From the feedback, they had a very pleasant encounter and tea tasting session! “
We are glad you have enjoyed the guiding at Science Centre & do keep up with the great work!
Best Regards,
Hui Yuan (Miss)
Programme Executive
(Learning Journey & Senior Guiding)
这是对我的鼓舞和安慰,使我有勇气和信心的去接受新任务,也要谢谢 Evelyn,的爱心和耐心是我增加了对新任务的乐趣。。。。
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